Primal | Ultros | Goblet | Ward 21, Between P49-50 |
Subdivision The Brimming Heart

Heaventurn 2024
The Final Mug

For your longtime support and patronage, our deepest, warmest thanks, Huggers. This is it! Our final event and farewell. For over 3 years, it's been an absolute blast to serve your Mugs and burst your eardrums!As they tend to say, all good things eventually come to end. And so, with that said—the time to pass the baton on to the new generation has arrived! Paving and maintaining a wholesome, warm, and fun RP/Venue scene; building a positive role model for the future—we do hope we've accomplished this much sought out goal! Once again, to each and every one of you—thank you, truly, so much for everything! Undoubtedly, we couldn't have done it without you. Moving on towards the New Year of 2024, what treasures does the future generation hold? Only time will tell.Shift Tab & The Hug a Mug crew

Messages From Staff

"we were the mugs you swiped along the way"Junk Story

"Thanks for the gil, my valued customers."Durume Rume

"Shift is a panty-sniffer."Eona Infearis

"Thank you for joining us on this adventure over the years and for always supporting me. You've helped me in more ways then I can put into words both in game and in my personal life. Until next time, my beautiful lovelies~ <3"Kibo Seraphim

"Thank you for letting us all fill the chapters of your journey with melody for two amazing years, bebes! Keep on being the amazing lights dancing in the dark that you are!"The Wiggles

"Shift's not actually gone, don't panic."Sakura Do'urden

"I'm sorry if my tarot cards were mean to you. But I hope it helped all the same!"Odetta Sorrel

"No matter the face I wear, thank you for the love you've shown the tunes I have played."Ro/Tofu

"The absolute best place to curl up with a mug of -is this tea?- and draw. Thank you, everyone!"Ren Arciel

" Thank you for having me along this rollercoaster of Thrills and LOLs. . . wait a minute, where's they key to these shackles.. oh no..noo... NO!!!"Wilorin Loreweaver

"Thank you for the best two years of music and meeting friends I could ask for! As well as some varying degrees of mug heists."Xenon Kindle

"So long, and thanks for all the fish... I mean mugs!"Cosplay Addict

"Thank you to Shift for welcoming Whiska and I into the "family" for these past couple of years. And a thank you to the wonderful friends and fans we have made along the way! <3"Misaki Tohka


Due to unfortunate circumstances, we regret to inform you our establishments can no longer offer mugs to their guests. (.... Mice incidents and repeated heists are hopefully unremembered by now.). . . ANYWAY! Now introducing—THE PAPER CUP! That's right, handcrafted by our lovely slaves * cough * staff. Yes, staff. With papercut injuries love in every foldNonetheless, let me introduce you to the PAPER CUPS!

Seasonal Specials

Hot Peppermint ChocolateHot chocolate with a little something that could be minty but not minty at the same time!
(Sorry we are on a budget cut right now. . . )

EggnogDon't ask what's inside of this! As long as it taste like Eggnog... right?!

The Originals

Triple Cream CoffeeWhen life is cold, bitter, and disappointing, but you don't want your coffee to be as well, simply ask for a brown mug! One sip will begin to warm the cockles of your cold dead heart.

Espresso Con PannaFeeling a little sluggish? Want to feel as if you've suddenly been jolted by 1000 watts of electricity for approximately 10 seconds? Dark. Brown. Mug. Its just liquid adrenaline.

Triple Cream CoffeeFor those who "drink coffee" but don't actually drink coffee. They like their bean water how they like their men. Disappointing.

Pixieberry TeaSomeone once said "Do you think we could steep fairies?" and we said no. Turns out, we were wrong. So incredibly wrong.

MatchaFrom the far east comes ground leaves, mixed with water. Its like tea, but slightly more bitter, foamier, and some how more delicious.

RooibosFeeling a cold coming on? Don't want everyone to know by drinking mint tea while attempting to keep your nose from running right into it? Try Rooibos, its got that extra vitamin and nutrients and stuff.

Thavnairian ChaiThis is the good stuff right here. Its elegant, spicy, earthy, everything you want in a woman, except its a tea. This tea will wake you up in the morning, refuse to let you nap, and have you begging for another cup mere seconds after finishing the first.

Hot ChocolatePiper's favourite, don't at me. Its just hot chocolate with lil marshmallows in it.

Artist: Eve Reverie

Real Mug Raffle

The soon to be discontinued FF14 collector's item Hug-A-Mug™ M U G giveaway!TO ENTER:
You will need to fill out your information into the goggle forum provided at the event! This is to ensure your mug arrives to its new home safely in one piece, ready to be hugged, and filled with BLACK COFFEE or whatever your heart desires! We won't tell Yinn if you don't! The winners will be chosen randomly and announced via Discord. We will ping you in the dedicated #irl-mug-raffle channel to notify you of your winnings!
Each player is allowed O N E (1) Entry O N L Y per Person! Anyone making multiple entries WILL be disqualified. Players who have won mugs in past giveaways are not eligible to win another, sorry! If you are worried about entering in your address into the form, please know that Liv /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\♡ is the only one with access to this information and is safe with them! If you are still uneasy about entering it, please put N/A in the box until winners are selected, However it will be required if you are selected so we may get it shipped to you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask the Shift or L I B!And don't worry. . . the mugs are Shift's crazy "experimental brews" free. . . hopefully.

Ren's Memento Art Raffle

One of our residential talented artist, T H E Ren Arciel, will be hosting an Art raffle! They will be calling out for /random rolls periodically through out the event in /shout with winners receiving custom art of their character sitting inside of a Hug-A-Mug M U G! To have as a memento of your time and generous support at Hug-A-Mug Café! Isn't chibi Shift just adorable? Uw UYou will also be required to be at the event to participate. Players are allowed O N E (1) roll per drawing and previous winners will not be able to roll again.Do note that art does take some time and we ask you to please be patient in between drawings.